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Narcissists vs. Empaths

Narcissists vs. Empaths are both different. Empaths are "emotional sponges" and Narcissists are "vampires", they suck out energy. They leave the empaths in a delicate state.

Narcissists see 'someone who will fulfil their every need in a selfless way'. Lindsey Dodgson Jan 2016. 

Both empaths and narcissists have completely different personalities. Let's look at the key differences and what common traits you should be looking our for...

Narcissists vs. Empaths

Empaths, also known as empathetic people, are individuals who have a sense of heightened sensitivity and have the ability to feel different emotions around them. Empaths can normally feel compassion, love, empathy and an array of different emotions from other people. Empaths can also be ale to put others first and are known to be great listeners.

Narcissists are the complete opposite. They focus on having a strong sense of entitlement and are known not to display emotions of empathy. Narcissistic traits also involve the manipulation of others, not recognising feelings and seeking to be the centre of attention from others around them.

We want to tell you the different ways you can recognize both a narcissist and an empath:

Signs of an Empath:

Recognizing an empath can be difficult sometimes, however there are some similar traits they display:

empath emotions

  1. Empathy: Empaths understand the importance of understanding others emotions and are able to sense a strong understanding of compassion to others.

  2. Sensitivity: Empaths are known for having high sensitivity levels and normally can feel the emotions of others. They do this by picking up on communication and are able to understand different emotions.

  3. Listeners: Empaths are great listeners and can provide safe spaces for individuals who may need someone to listen to them. They are genuinely supportive and care about the well-being of others. 

  4. Strong Intuitive: Empaths can usually feel others' emotions through their gut feelings about situations or people. 

  5. Nature Lover: Empaths love being in nature and have a deep connection with animals as well. They love spending time in the Earth's natural environments which helps them to mentally recharge. 


It's important to understand that not all empaths will reflect each other's traits. If you suspect that someone is an empath, make sure to provide a supportive environment for them and understand their emotions. 


Signs of Narcissism:

Recognizing someone with narcissistic behavior, as it is often displayed as charm or in a subtle way. However, we have listed some common narcissistic personality traits and attitudes for you to look out for:

Signs of Narcissism


  1. Lack of empathy: Narcissists often display a lack of empathy towards those around them and are unable to understand any emotions felt by those around them.

  2. Exploitative Behavior: Narcissists may exploit others around them to achieve personal gain. This can be done by manipulation or a chance for them to achieve control of everything around them.

  3. Attention-Seeking Behaviors: Narcissists will do anything to be the center of attention within the room and feel as if everything resolves around them.

  4. Constant Criticism: Narcissists love to engage with constant criticism and put others around them down in order to feel better about themselves. They can engage in belittling, dismissive behavior, hostility and toxic relationships

  5. Lack of healthy relationships: As Narcissists prioritize their own emotions and desires, they struggle to form deep emotions through long-term personal relationships or emotional connections, which may result in abusive relationships towards others. 

  6. Fantasies Of Success: Narcissists also fantasise about their own unlimited success, achievements and power. They are also known for exaggerating their accomplishments and will gloat about their successes. 

  7. Sense of Superiority: Narcissists will often believe that they deserve privileges and will want to receive a sense of power over those around them.  


Before making assumptions, it's important that diagnosing narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) should be done through a mental health provider who will provide diagnostic criteria and the right support . If you suspect someone may be a narcissist or is displaying narcissistic abuse, it's important to prioritise your own mental health and create health boundaries. 

Why not check out my video on the spiritual reasons behind narcissism and how it can affect anyone's life:


Why Work With Me?


Our team have over 50 years of collective experience with over 1000 clients who have had the chance to receive an energy scan to promote positive energy. We help people from all faiths, religions and cultures. Prayer sometimes doesn’t remove the negative energy, our advanced channelers go above and beyond to remove that energy.

Our spiritual mediums will work with you to understand your physical ailments and provide the right power tools to make sure to can begin manifesting your perfect life!

Check my FREE resources on YouTube below to see how I work with clients on a daily basis:



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