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My 5-Step Daily Manifestation Routine That Works Like Magic

Daily Manifestation Routine secrets revealed! Discover how this 5-step method can manifest your dreams effortlessly.

Have you ever wanted something so badly, but no matter how hard you tried to manifest it, it just wouldn't come together? Yeah, I've totally been there, gorgeous souls. 

A few years back, I was stuck in a soul-sucking corporate job that was draining every ounce of my sparkle. I knew I was destined for something bigger - to share my light with the world - but I couldn't seem to manifest the path to get there. I tried all the typical manifestation techniques, but without consistency, nothing stuck. Until I started my simple daily manifestation routine...

This 5-step process was a total game changer for me. By doing these quick practices each morning, I began vibrating at a frequency of abundance and attraction. Manifesting became natural and flowy. Dream opportunities seemed to appear out of nowhere. If you want to start co-creating your biggest visions now, this routine is a must.

Routine Step 1

The first step in my daily manifestation flow is all about getting present and connecting with my inner voice. I call it "Mind Openers." As soon as I wake up, before I grab my phone or anything, I take a few luxuriously deep breaths. I allow my mind to just be, without jumping into the bazillion thoughts that usually start racing as soon as I'm conscious.

Then I ask my inner guru for the guidance I need that day. Maybe it's, "What's my highest vibrational direction today?" or "How can I serve at my highest level?" I stay open and wait for the nudges to come through. Sometimes it's a word, an image, a feeling. Other times it's just a sense of ease washing over me.

I don't judge whatever arises - I just witness it with curiosity. This 5-minute practice is like my energetic shower. It washes away any mental fog and fear so I can start fresh in my manifesting power.

Data Chart:


  • Before Routine and After Routine are the two categories compared in this chart.

  • The blue bars represent an increase in manifestations, while the green bars show a decrease in stress/anxiety.

Routine Step 2

With my vibe all cleared out, I move into my Magic Mantra. This is my favorite way to imprint new patterns and beliefs directly into my consciousness. I'll create a simple but powerful mantra, like "I am a magnet for miracles" or "My dreams manifest rapidly."

As I say the words out loud, I imagine them permeating every cell of my body. If there are any particular areas I want to supercharge, I'll run energy through those spots. Like if my goal is to manifest more income, I'll focus on my third chakra around my core.

Then I take it even deeper by adding motion. I'll march in place, do knee raises, or just shake it out as I chant my mantra. This mind-body movement helps solidify the new programmed reality I'm installing within myself. After 3-5 minutes of this, I'm in a totally magnetic state of receiving. Mmm, can you feel your frequency getting ramped up?

Routine Step 3

Alright bbs, now that we're all charged up and ready to go, it's time for my Desire Download. This is where we get crystal clear on exactly what we want to manifest. None of this vague "I want to be rich" nonsense. We need to call in the specifics with strong, positive language.

I like to write out a few desire statements covering the key areas I'm looking to upgrade - career, finances, relationships, etc. They might look something like "I am a New York Times bestselling author" or "I accept $75,000 this month with ease and gratitude."

As I write each desire, I take a moment to breathe energy and feeling into the words. I visualize myself experiencing that reality, noticing all the yummy details. What does it look like, sound like, feel like having that desire fully manifested? The more multisensorial you can get, the better.

Once I've imprinted 3-5 big desires, I'll create a quick priorities list of must achieved items for the day ahead. This primes my manifesting station to broadcast those priorities out into the Universe.

Data Chart:


Before Routine and After Routine are the two categories compared. The purple bars represent the clarity of desires, while the orange bars show the manifestation rate.

Routine Step 4 

Okayyyy, we're getting to the fun part - my Energetic Upgrade! This is where we do some literal energy work to amplify our manifesting abilities. I'll start by doing some kundalini shakes or tapping to get my channels opened up and the energy popping.

Then I move into my absolute favourite - Dance Church! For 5-10 minutes, I'll crank up some upbeat tunes and let loose. I'm not talking crazy choreographed moves here. I mean just feeling the rhythms in my body and allowing them to move me. Shaking what my momma gave me and channeling that inner popstar confidence.

As I'm dancing it out, I visualise a brilliant white light surrounding me and seeping into every cell. I imagine old fears and blocks dissolving away as I fill up with pure positive potential. The energy gets ramped up more and more until I'm absolutely vibrating with expectation and receptivity for my desires.

Some days I'll even grab a feather boa or fun accessories to get fully luxuriating in the manifesting deliciousness! Hey, you gotta make this stuff fun, right?

Routine Step 5

Woohoo, feeling amazing? We're in the homestretch now, beauties! The final step is Gratitude Glow-Out. No manifestation practice would be complete without giving thanks for all the blessings we've already received.

I start by thinking of a few things I'm super grateful for - my health, my family, my business, etc. As I focus on each one, I consciously amplify the feeling of gratitude flowing through me. Like I'm pouring gasoline on a smouldering fire and watching it erupt into an inferno of appreciation!

From that rad energetic space, I express gratitude for the desires I want to manifest next. "Thank you, Universe, for my beautiful new home and location freedom!" "Thank you for the extraordinary income flowing to me easily!" I give thanks like the manifestation has already occurred.

Then to really integrate the frequency, I'll take a walk around the neighbourhood or do a few minutes of heart-opening breath work while continuing my gratitude practice. As I'm moving through the world feeling appreciate AF, genuine miracle ops seem to just fall into place around me. It's energetic alchemy in action!

Closing Thoughts

There you have it, my simple but extremely powerful 5-step Daily Manifestation Routine! If you're ready to finally live in outrageous abundance and turn your desires into reality, start incorporating these steps now. The Universe is Wide Open for you!

Why not check out free youtube resources on how to manifest!


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