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Manifestation Coaching: Working with Spiritual Master Psychics

Let's not get gloomy when it comes to the word "Psychics". Majority of the time, people have that gloomy approach to it, because it has been vilified.

You have around 70,000 thoughts a day - said by science. Those thoughts are sent to the non-physical dimension, the spiritual realm. Highly enlightened individuals are able to see the energy around that thought. And the ones at Manifest with a Medium are ethical, highly evolved with good energy!

The energy downloads of a manifestation can be:

  1. any names, events, situations, descriptions of people

  2. what spiritual laws that may govern that manifest

  3. how you should shift yourself vibrationally to match the frequency of that thought, for it to appear in your physical reality

  4. what areas you need to work on, stories, triggers, limiting beliefs

  5. soul records destiny vs. manifestations

  6. inner work validated through a journey you been on

  7. training your body, mind and energy conditioning it all

Think of it like a fast track to therapy!

Where it would take a therapist weeks and months to identify what internal shifts to start making, a great psychic validates, provides navigation, guidance and shift starts happening on a much amplified way!

Plus. the insights given to an ordinary person can positively shift on a massive scale!

Check out this video!

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