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Energy impacts fertility...Factual story

If your aura, your energy field layers is not clean, you can forget about manifesting...

When I talk about being clean, it means your soul vibration is raised to 997hq, auric field layers repaired AND ensuring you have no energy blocking any chakras that causes problems later down the future...

What happens when your aura is contaminated?

When the aura is contaminated it eats into the physical body. The timing of this simply comes down to how strong ones spiritual aura is, but it is inevitable that the physical body will get impacted.

The amount of people I have come across and having advised them of getting their energy work done, they don't take it serious enough.

They would rather focus on their positive mind and body but neglect the energy. When the energy is the core essence of your physical being...

They go back to the same cycle getting the same results.

But like typical human nature, only when one goes through enough pain where it is unbearable, do they take action.


From the time it takes to one to realise that they have to take action, the damage is already done within the physical body. That is irreversible.

True story...

We had a case where a lady was continuously trying to conceive for 8yrs. She was 38yrs old. She trialed IVF but no luck. The doctors gave her the answer that nothing could be done.

Her brother booked in for a reading asking about his love area.

When his sister was picked up in the reading, it was clear to me that energy work was required to clear off the energy residing within her energy layers.

At 39yrs she conceives and gives birth to a beautiful daughter!

Another reality check...

Now recently I have come across 4 women trying to conceive with such energy residing within their energy fields.

The energy either transferred to the unborn child causing previous complications like miscarriages, PTSD, depression and the worst part unable to conceive due to internal damage...


The longer the energy remains within the aura, the more damage it does to the physical body and mind...

Just a reminder...

We at not here by coincidence. If you get the help within the timeframe that prevents such future events, that's good karma...

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