We live in a world full of spirit. Whether they are souls we meet physically or spiritually.
And one fact that we all agree upon is that regardless of religion or beliefs, we are spiritual beings in a human body and when the times comes to transition over to the spirit realm, our soul leaves the physical body.
Let's look at this closely...
Potentially living with Spirits residing within your 14 auric layer field
Your aura, when contaminated by the influence of "grounding, earthbound spirits" begins to loose its spiritual health. Overtime the contaminated energy in the aura begins to rot within your 14 auric field layers, penetrating into the physical body and mind.
Manifesting will become a challenge.
Mental health can become affected.
Physical body can become weak.
Your soul energy vibration will drop below 200hq. (Soul Vibration should be at 997hq)
That is why you should get an energy scan!
Grounding/earthbound spirits are souls who once lived here during their physical time, but have escaped the light and not crossed over.
Abraham Hicks says it within Law of attraction, that you have to be 100% in your own energy to manifest. The problem is not everyone is gifted to see what Top Psychic Spiritual Masters here at Manifest with a Medium can see.
That is why you should strongly consider an energy scan. Book here.
If your energy is not clean, vibration raised to 997hq and spiritually protected you won't be able to fully master your manifesting state.
Imagine a heartbeat on a machine, you want to ensure the vibration is consistent in a line, but as soon as you see random spikes you can know your manifestation is getting delayed.

Hence the Universe will expose you to spiritual laws where you are having to learn lessons, forcing you to look from within.
And the interesting part of it all is one who understands themselves on a spiritual level, they succeed at the heights, than one who drip feeds themselves spiritually, always facing bumpy roads, taking them years to accomplish their desires.
Watch this video to learn more...
Every meet you encounter during your physical time here is orchestrated by your loved ones in spirit, your angels, your protectors. When they see you will need guidance, insight, assistance, they will channel this through a Medium Healer.
A conch sound vibrationally echos in the spirit world as the meet between the person and the Medium Healer is encountered, alerting your spirit ones the meet has been done.
Breaking a generational energy, if there is one, is one of the highly evolved spiritually evolving events in ones physical lifetime. Abundance naturally flows thereafter.
At Manifest with a Medium we have gathered the top Spiritual Master Psychics, who are not in the public eye, to give you that edge when it comes to Manifesting.
That includes your one time investment of;
Getting your Soul Vibration raised to 997hq
Auric field repair making it strong
Spiritual Protection against energies
When you invest in your energy, one time, you will see a difference in how your internal, when pushed out, becomes a form of attraction.
The energy work is so advanced, that one requires an trance mediumship ability to do so, and theres only a handful of mediums with such gifts to do so.
This energy work blows Reiki out.
Don't take my word for it! Check out these reviews of people who have carried out the work via website
You may also want to check out some youtube videos to learn more!
Remember, knowledge is key! Don't get left behind...
