If you are a coach, in any field or your work involves helping people on a daily basis, I encourage those clients to invest in:
- Soul Frequency Vibration
-Auric Field repair & protection
- Inner work channelling
- Developing Intuition
- Developing senses
- Guided meditation
-Uncovering soul agenda
BY a Medium with Psychic Healing ENERGY!
Energy is transferable. Meditating with a Medium, Manifesting with a Medium is a whole different ball game!
Theres a reason why Top Psychic can download the energy of the here and now! Utilise that.
You can manifest goals, but understanding how manifestations stick is what separates you from others.
A common question I address, on a a Psychic Level is "Why has this not happened".
And that's where we all differ as Soul Beings as we all have individual soul journeys, lessons and development to do.
