Dating & Love at Manifest with a Medium
Every soulmate you encounter is either a lesson or a blessing. Taking navigation, getting behind you, will give you an advantage. Navigation comes as a form of validations, perhaps red flags that will arise, who is vibrationally aligned to you and your agenda.
You can find this out by submitting your enquiry through. This information is vital saving you thousands with consulting with other psychics. We can also guide you to how to manifest your specific person. Remember 87% of population are usually in karmic energies but there is a way to manifest it in a spiritual connection or you can find out if you have a spiritual connection that you have not met yet!
To manifest you have to be 100% in your vortex energy.
Investing in your energy scan is a vital important part of it.
If you have been in/out of relationships, continuously attracting the same patterns, the same type of people, the energy scan will allow us to see any energy residue that should not be there, because you have to be 100% in your vortex energy.
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Validating your current state
Validating your previous relationships and triggers
Psychically scanning the energy transfers within your energy field
Connecting to your triggers
Pull out the triggers to avoid self-sabotaging love
Suggesting areas of improvement
Psychically downloading potential prospects
Psychically downloading names, events, situations
Identifying who is still within your energy field
Point out new love prospects with descriptions, names, events, dates
Giving spiritual counsel if it is a spiritual love or karmic energy or a narcissistic
Get that energy glow...
Get your energy raised...
Get that soul in its manifesting flow!
Psychic Dating Questions people ask
Let us look at some common questions people ask when it comes a psychic dating reading
Does it have a future?
This is based off a number of factors. Does the connection have divine spiritual energy? Do I have a desire to turn it into a spiritual connection? Are we compatible? The key behind this, is getting behind you within your manifesting state. The more you recognise yourself on a soul, spiritual level, the more likely you will be aligned to the soul for you.
What are their intentions?
We may have fears based off past relationships where we question their intentions? This in turn comes up in our reality. Perhaps we need to examine within us, what acts as a trigger and needs to be removed. Or simply their intentions are not good. We have helped navigate people where even if ones intentions are not good, you will receive the validations you need to hear. It is never doom or gloom.
What was their past relationships like?
Linking into the energy of their past relationships gives you a sense of the person of who they are today. Because each relationship we go into, shapes us, whether we consciously or subconsciously see it. In addition, seeing the examination of your past relationships on a spiritual, depth level will give you the advantage of knowing what areas to work on to successfully vibrationally align to your soulmate.
Consider the following when dating:
Due to previous sexual energy transfers causing potential energy blocks
The aura may require an examination
Influence of energies both physical and non physical entities
Identifying blocks within the energy field layers
The triggers you may have when it comes to love
The subconscious mind programming of love
The astrological planetary alignments
Karmic retributions to resolve
Psychic cords still attached to others
Heart chakra blocked or not healed
Why has he/she not contact me?
It is good to ask this question because it allows us to see the energy. If there are issues within the energy cord, we able to identify and validate to ensure the energy is flowing. At the same time, it allows us to pinpoint your internal state and what needs to shift to bring it closer.
Why did my previous relationship not work?
You have to understand everyone you meet is based off your internal pushed out. You will meet souls that are lessons or souls that are blessings. However we want to learn lessons quicker and not sabotage our potential blessings. This level of psychic analysis can be transformative when you get the insight you need.
Whether it is casual fun you are looking for, or a serious committed relationship, understanding the type of connection you come across will set the expectations.
In addition, you will get an outline of the person, key reading insights, navigation and guidance on the energy between you both. Plus, what you need to do to shift any energy, if required.
This will save you cost, time and effort giving you peace of mind, less anxiety and worry. They key information you need will be delivered to you. โโ
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Love & Relationships

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