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Meet Annie 
Founder of MWM

Annie is an exceptional, one in a billion talent who is making an impact on souls worldwide. She is regarded as a Spiritual Master, a Seer, as per her soul akashic records, one highly enlightened blessed with spiritual wisdom to see beyond what an average can see. Her journey of helping, transforming and inspiring lives across the globe expanded even more as she entered into the public in Oct 2023 across her social media channels. 

Born in Birmingham, UK,  Annie was raised by her spiritual grandparents where mediumship healing is deeply rooted. An healing ability that stems from both grandparents, ancestral line. Annie was brought up by her grandmother, who is also a profound medium healer recognised by many spiritual masters scattered across India. 


From a young age, Annie was always drawn to spiritual events. She would jump at the chance to go on vacations with her grandmother to India where, as a family, they would serve their family temples. In their temples they would prepare and serve food, observe festivities and hold high spiritual healing energy events! Annie’s grandmother knew who Annie was on a soul level and kept it hidden. She was afraid of the stigma behind it having experienced the isolation from her own community first hand when arriving in England in the 1950's. Thus, Annie was encouraged to live a normal life of education & social exploration.


Upon graduating from University in 2010, she found herself in and out of jobs and so she went on her own path to seek answers. That is when Annie came across her first Medium, Pearl from North England who told her she was a soul destined for mediumship work. Annie continued to disregard it. 

Fate took Annie to New York, USA in 2017 on an internship placement. Little did she know, she would be forced to look from within. Annie met a significant soul from India, who was the turning point of her spiritual journey. It is very true that when you meet a spiritual soul connection, your whole life turns upside down and this is exactly what happened to Annie. During her internship year she would experience unexplainable spiritual phenomena. Since this was the longest Annie ever stayed away from her grandmother, granny would astral travel to see her at night and validate what she had been up to! 

Imagine having a grandmother as a CCTV! 

Annie's healing abilities became stronger and stronger. She would foresee events, validate names, events, see aura, see energies. Little did she know she had one foot into the spirit divine world. As her connection to the divine became stronger, she was fast tracked immensely by the Universe, Divine, God. They say when the student is ready, the teacher shows up and that is exactly what happened. 

In 2019 Annie and her family took a trip to South India. Annie and her grandmother was greeted by affluent spiritual souls. Instantly they recognised Annie and explained who she was in much greater, spiritual wisdom, identifying the roots of her ancestors, the heritage of mediumship and her soul role during her physical time on earth.

Upon returning to England, UK, Annie faced a huge challenge on a spiritual level and that was preparing her father for the transition to the spirit world. She separated herself as a daughter and took on her role as a healer. In her divine state, she uncovered more and more of her exceptional healing skills. Annie bid farewell to her father on 4th June 2021 and 3 weeks after she packed and left for New York helping so many people.

Annie saw a gap. Why do people not recognise how limitless they are? Her motive became equipping people with the knowledge of manifesting, psychic, energy, healing to a level that even public stars know of! And so Annie, with her charisma, entrepreneurial charm, bubbly personality, negotiated and brought the Top 1% Spiritual Masters, from all religions under one platform at Manifest with a Medium. Each of them have an unique ability unheard of. They recognised that Annie does not operate from a place of greed, attachment, lust, hatred and EGO and so they decided to assist her in putting together the program of mind, body and energy one needs to address, to get behind their 5 Dimensional manifesting state. The kind of information not published anywhere. That includes the one time investment of raising the soul vibration energy work! Collectively at MWM, all talents have over 100yrs+ exp, working with people like celebs, Bollywood actors, athletes, talents, actors, professionals, public figures, corporations and billionaires. 

Manifest with a Medium is not a life coaching program, spiritual coaching nor therapy. This is powerful and transformational stuff. So, it's time to get behind you and your own limitless power.  And we are not reiki healers. There are levels within the psychic healing industry and we operate within the top 1%. 

When Annie isn’t doing her youtube videos, providing psyche insight, energy scanning, raising one's soul vibration, she is coaching as the founder of Manifest with a Medium, a transformation driven educational program offering accredited certification in Manifestation Coaching to individuals and organisations. Annie's mentor, Spiritual Master of over 24yrs John Best, from the UK, will be making his 1st public appearance very soon because they are on an unstoppable mission to help billions.

Annie xoxo

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